
1 litre

This 1 litre bottle of Immortal Bath concentrate provides 5 baths. 200ml is added to your bath as a continuous exposure of the skin cells to a repeated message of immortality. This is instantly recognisable in the body with incredible benefits including softer skin, a massive feeling of rejuvenation and skin repair. You can expect an eveness and cohenerence in the body, a feeling of deep calm and alignment.


After a few Immortal Baths you will notice skin blemishes and skin tags start to disappear. Immortal Bath concentrate is created from the frequency of the Immortal Jellyfish (Turritopsis Dohrnii). It has a powerful regenerative effect on the skin, muscles, bones and cells mimicking the ability of the jellyfish to return to a younger version of itself. Note that no jellyfish are harmed in the making of this concentrate. It has simply captured the frequency and message of the rejuvenation action.

Here are some of the testimonials

“It felt like I was in direct contact with all the cells in my body, almost like my energy body had been plugged in and activated and every little cell had a new lightbulb. I felt like I was in an endless cycle of rejuvenating lifeforce.”

“After taking an Immortal Bath, I went out for dinner and three different people remarked at how amazing I was looking. It seemed to have added a glow and vitalising force that was recognisable by others.”


To activate the powerful regenerative and reverse ageing capacity of the body, to soften skin, remove blemishes, wrinkles and normalise skin conditions.


Turritopsis Dohrnii concentrate


Add 200ml into a big ceramic bowl. Run the bath water into the bowl allowing it to overflow. This is a form of succussion enabling the concentrate to amplify. For a more detailed instruction watch a quick video here.