Transitioning Through Peri-Menopause and Menopause
The Golden Bridge remedy is an incredible partner and companion through peri-menopause andmenopause.
Taken daily as a tincture, it works on multiple levels alleviating symptoms and challenges in the physical, mental and emotional realms.
It increases what’s referred to in Chinese medicine as ‘jing’ or life essence which is the mother of chi and is responsible for everything from healthy hair, skin and nails to improved libido and better immune function. Jing is the driver of the transitions and transformations that occur throughout life and with sufficient jing difficult transition processes become much gentler and easier to manage.
When embarking on an unknown and possibly precarious journey, you want your driver to be strong and well equipped, this is what jing does. The Increased jing makes everything in transition easier. Alongside physical relief, the Golden Bridge brings an elite quality of spiritual clarity and an effortlessness to one’s life as one has sufficient energy and will to do whatever needs to be done.
Participants in The Golden Bridge trial experienced markedly better sleep, fewer or cessation of hot flushes, less itchy skin and notable physical relief from common symptoms experienced during perimenopause and menopause. Some of the emotional releases and awakenings included uncovering hidden and repressed aspects of the self; revelations and resolution around relationships and grievances; return of courage and more clarity around life purpose.
The Golden Bridge doesn’t focus on increasing or decreasing hormones, as everyone has different needs and specifications. Rather it strengthens the driving force of life Itself and equips the participant on all levels of existence to enable optimal functionality. The Golden bridge includes Schizandra, a powerful adaptogen able to balance all the elements in the body. Turritopsin™ the Life Molecule is inspired by the regenerative mechanism of the immortal jellyfish (no jelly fish, just science). The function of the Life Molecule is to stimulate the
regenerative pathways in the body. The remedy also has two highly refined versions of liquid gold and burnt gold. These strengthen the body by enhancing functionality and allow a transition to new and smoother ways of operating.
In addition it has a homeopathic version of the Golden Spiral, another potent balancing force and Creation which Is a mix of flower essences, and adaptogens to enliven and add a joyous aspect to the experience.
As complex as the different phases of menopause are, the Golden Bridge is there to meet one’s Individual needs. The golden bridge is a lifesaver to literally bring you back your life In a truly natural and holistic way, gentle, powerful and ultimately supportive.
The Golden bridge includes Schizandra, a powerful adaptogen able to balance all the elements in the body. Turritopsin™ the Life Molecule is inspired by the regenerative mechanism of the immortal jellyfish (no jelly fish, just science). The function of the Life Molecule is to stimulate the regenerative pathways in the body. The remedy also has two highly refined versions of liquid gold and burnt gold. These strengthen the body by enhancing functionality and allow a transition to new and smoother ways of operating.
5 drops every morning.